Bianca Fersini Mastelloni
“Navigating the global IR world needs a clear sight of financial marketing. Our Corporate Access Program provide a broad range of opportunities to support the IR plan of our Clients”
Mrs. Fersini has been working in Corporate Communications for over 30 years during which she was part of institutional relationships and lobbies, active in corporate and product communications, in media relations and in the organization of events for domestic companies, public institutions and associations. Since 1999 she has been active in Investor Relations and Financial Communications for listed small and mid-cap companies and she has coordinated IPOs and extraordinary finance transactions both in Italy and abroad.
A scholar of issues pertaining to Communications and Investor Relations, Ms. Fersini collaborate with some Italian Universities as a lecturer about Investor Relations and Financial Communications.
She is specialized in Communications and Public Relations at the State University of New York at Buffalo (USA) and Boston University, Boston, and she has maintained relations with the USA.
She previously acted as head of IMAGE, a company specialized in Marketing and Communications.
Mrs. Fersini is Director of the Membership Committee of the NIRI Virtual Chapter Board of Directors. Mrs. Fersini has been Vice Chairman of the Lazio Regional Chapter of the Italian Association of Female Entrepreneurs (AIDDA),and holds other positions in other Associations.
She is author of the book “INVESTOR RELATIONS ED ETICA, Efficacia e Vantaggi Competitivi” as well as several articles about financial communications and Investor Relations. She is the editor of the BLOG: smallcapitalia.